Shipping in the Trans-Pacific corridor

Over the course of the past year, our clients have voiced to us their frustration on how painful the international shipping market has become.
We’ve felt it too, as we’ve done our best to secure service and capacity on their behalf.
One market that has been particularly impacted—both from a service and capacity perspective—is the Trans-Pacific corridor.
For these reasons and others, Pinnacle Logistics Solutions responded by chartering our own vessel for the 2022 calendar year, with the maiden voyage to take place in February.
It’s a different look at shipping from Asia to Canada, and it represents an opportunity for our friends and colleagues who are looking to secure capacity for the 2022 year.
The vessel is expected to make a turn every 45 days, and integrated container solutions are available, including inland deliveries and container termination. In addition, this vessel is geared and capable of transporting breakbulk cargo.
To learn more about this opportunity, please reach out to me directly at, or by phone at 647.972.2788
Best Regards,

Aaron Gerber